Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Seal It, Baby

This post will probably not trip the trigger of the average domestic person.

However, if you, like me, caulked the bijeebees out of every tile, counter and floor in order to sell your house, then this little marvel will get your heart a pumpin'. (I have my Realtor to thank for this new, quasi-addiction.)

Caulk Singles.

I know... it sounds a little strange, right?

But picture this: You're in your bathroom brushing your teeth and you notice that your sink's seal job has seen better days. You're not exactly game for loading the caulk gun with all manner of goo when only a dab will do ya.

Enter Caulk Singles. Ta da.

I haven't used them (yet, yet) but already have my eye on the edges of my tubs one day.

You may not even know you need them, but when that day comes, my friends, you will find joy, I'm sure.

Meanwhile, if you keep it on hand just for fun, you may want to keep it away from, say, anything that looks like toothpaste. Just a hunch.

1 comment:

Jenni S. said...

LOL at the toothpaste comment. This is just the type of thing that would make my husband's heart sing. I'll have to remember those - thanks for sharing!