Friday, June 27, 2008

Big Sister Talk

Morgan is wrapping her brain around being a big sister.

This past Sunday she drew a p-r-e-c-i-o-u-s picture of me holding a baby with a big sister standing by.

She does have a few funny ideas about the role. Unfortunately, Veg*gie Tales did her wrong. She watched the episode of Moses, the one where big sister Miriam raises the baby Moses because the mother and father are slaves. (It may be culturally accurate, the Bible doesn't say.) Anyway, Morgan has this idea that Dan and I are going to leave her home alone with the baby to raise it.

We don't watch that episode anymore.

She's already starting to bring up the baby in other ways, too. A while ago we were disciplining her for being outside without telling us. We explained that we were afraid and that if she's going to be a big sister, she needs to set an example. Morgan ran with that one, "And if MY SISTER goes outside and DOESN'T TELL YOU, then she's going to be in a time out like me." She was very stern.

The little sister, er, sibling, is already being slotted for disciplinary measures. Pre-birth. Now THAT's preparedness.

The best part about Morgan, though, is that her heart is in the right place. Just this week she felt compelled to pray for a booboo on my leg. The prayer went something like this: "Dear Jesus, we pray that Mommy's booboo will get better. And we pray that the baby will be safe from harm. And that it will be born."

Ugh. This kid knows how to make a Momma's heart melt.

So there you have it: Morgan's take on being a big sister.


Sittintall said...

Awww...she'll be great.

Jenni S. said...

LOL, "Veggietales did her wrong." That is hilarious. She seems like she'll be a wonderful caring big sister who will be sure teach her little brother or sister all kinds of mischief. :) So excited for your growing family!