Sunday, June 29, 2008


Last night my husband and I went to a really fantastic wedding. I'd go so far as to say that the wedding was perfect, but that might give visions of pomp and circumstance. It wasn't that at all.

Don't get me wrong-- It was classy. The bride and groom were gorgeous and brilliant. The wedding party and family exhibited the perfect amount of decorum and genuine joy. The cake was great.

But there was a spirit there of life and giddyness and oh-what's-the-word... "down-earthiness" that some weddings lack.

I left this wedding feeling better for going to it... I actually felt changed.

It probably didn't help that they played an amazing slideshow of the bride and groom as they grew up. Dan and I choked back emotions as we watched and mentally plugged in our own daughter's image for the bride's photos. She's only 4, but it was as if we married her off last night.

And in the holyness of those moments, I realized that not a lot else mattered. They didn't show photos in this slideshow of the moms looking harassed after a long day of watching their 4-year old. There were no yelling match photos or cross-looking toddlers. Only the most treasured photos made the cut. The ones that mattered.

This morning (the morning after said wedding) Morgan entered my bedroom and was already dressed for church; she just needed a little help with the zipper. I winced at the early hour, but was impressed that she dressed herself. I zippered the remainder of her dress with--if it's possible-- a little more patience? meaning? love?

I very much felt like that moment in It's a Wonderful Life where Jimmy Stewart gets a second chance at life and thankfulness and runs home to his family for another go at living and loving.

I tried to go back to sleep after the zipper request but she brought me my robe and told me that I had to see the Lego creation she made this morning. I obliged. How could I not? The kid brought me my heavy terry cloth robe which looked to be some effort. *melt*

I suppose the rest of this post should include some amazing stories about all the quality time I spent with Morgan today. That is not the case, but I have a good excuse: The baby is growing. And if you're at all familiar with that phrase in our house, then you know that I spent a good deal of time in bed.

However, every time that perky child of mine came in to peak on me today, I managed a smile, a small conversation and some very, very fond thoughts.

Meanwhile, congrats to the happy couple... I look forward to hearing their family stories in the future.


cathi said...

it was a great wedding - glad we got to hang with the dykstras at it! : )

Jenni S. said...

Thanks for the reminder to "pay attention." I needed it this week!

Unknown said...

It was a great wedding! I got to hang with my wife at it! ;)

Seriously, we haven't been out in a was most excellent!