Sunday, June 22, 2008

How Pregnant Women are Like Babies

1. They spit up. A lot.

2. Buddha bellies.

3. Gastrointestinal fun. 'Nuff said.

4. Their appetite changes daily.

5. They sleep a lot.

6. People talk to them as if they're "slow".

7. Can't walk too well. Or at all.

8. Tinkle, tinkle little star.

9. Moody, moody, moody.

10. They like to be held.

11. They wake up throughout the night.

12. Funny belly buttons.

13. Pudgy faces.

14. People like to poke them a lot. In the tummy.

15. People talk to them in higher octaves.

16. Fat. Feet.

17. Gases.

18. Hair is thicker at first and then falls out.

19. Clothes become too small every 2-3 months.

20. Can't do much. :)


Short Stop said...

THIS is hilarious, Em. And, just so, so true.

#8 is my favorite. LOL!!

Jenni S. said...

LOL! Your sense of humor is hilarious!