Monday, June 9, 2008

Can't Wait to Eat List

1. Avocados

2. Lettuce... crunchy, crisp, Romaine lettuce

3. Mexican Food

4. Crab Cakes

5. Chinese Food

6. Thai Food-- P.F. Chang's Lemon Scallops are amazing-- ask my friends Sara and Cathi-- I order them every New Year's

7. Pizza... Any pizza, but then... California Pizza Kitchen's Tandoori Chicken Pizza is yummers

8. Hamburgers... ugh... the word almost literally makes me gag right now

9. Spaghetti with lotsa sauce

10. Chips and Dips

Food I probably won't eat for a year once I get over this sickness:
Onions, potatoes, ice cream and crackers


Short Stop said...

I hope you're chowing on all of these soon!

Thanks for the late night temptation to go raid the fridge!

Jenni S. said...

Oh, PF Changs...we were just there this weekend and it was a little bit of food heaven. I pray the nausea subsides soon!

Anonymous said...

I remember eating so many Saltine crackers during my first pregnancy that I was so tired of them and had to switch to graham crackers! I know what you mean by not wanting to eat a certain food for a long time after that. Hang in there! Hope you will be feeling much better very soon! :-)