Thursday, June 5, 2008

Morgan Love

Okay, it's official. I love my kid. I do.

This past week my mother asked me why I didn't have Morgan spend a week at a grandparent's house. She thought maybe I could deal with my sickness better. But the truth is that Morgan keeps me sane. She gives me a reason to get up in the morning, even if she does bark, "Mom! I lost my Baby Cinderella doll!" Every. Morning.

I do a fair amount of shuffling Morgan around from friends, neighbors and family these days, but for the most part, this kiddo is with me.

The other day I was laying on the couch "playing" a Cran*ium game with her. Somehow I fell asleep and woke up to Morgan lugging my TOOL BOX out and trying to disassemble the new game. That definitely kept me in the game. She's better than caffeinated coffee. Hellooo, Phillips screwdriver in the hands of a 4-year old.

Additionally, the game "Cari*boo", came with 6 rubber balls which are essential to the game. Yesterday morning, Dan and I heard much giggling downstairs and some gentle clunking sounds. Six rubber balls have now become three rubber balls. I wish I had spent the $16 for the game on two bucks worth of rubber balls. But I knew that already, didn't I? I mean, what game lasts more than a year without losing some VITAL piece? *sigh* Shouldn't Hasbro and Fisher Price include EXTRA playing pieces? I mean, suits come with extra buttons. Get on the ball, folks!

This evening, I said goodnight to my looney kid and noticed that she was wearing a slightly too-small tank top with a random summer skirt. Whatever. It's like having Punky Brewster for offspring. I cringe at her zany fashion style but, like I said, I love her to pieces.

So thank you, God, for Morgan.
Thank you for her way of "lighting up" when I offer her chocolate chips.
Thank you for the way she thinks her bum is fun to shake.
And thank you for the joy she brings us, even though the soiled carpet and colored walls would disagree.

She's great.


Sittintall said...

Punky Brewster!! Boy doesn't that bring back memories. You crack me up! How I would love to have such a great sense of humor. Have a nice relaxing weekend.

Jenni S. said...

She seems so full of life the way you describe her. I've got one of those and, while there are days I think she just might drive me over the edge, somehow I always end the day laughing at some crazy thing she's done.

What an awesome tribute to your little girl!

Short Stop said...

I love her.