Thursday, June 12, 2008


I was feeling a little bit sorry for myself today and it was totally food related.

I even dreamt of artichokes last night and woke up with a happy feeling.

But today I made a quick run to Dominick*s to pick up some, um, Whipped Cream. For my dinner. *Sheepish smile here*

And I picked up some mac 'n cheese for Morgan for dinner. And canned beans. Dinner of Champions.

As I drove home from the store, I saw the Pl*anned Parentho*od clinic right next door. People were protesting. A young woman walked in the building not giving eye contact to the group.

Without warning, I starting sobbing. It wasn't pretty. I wept the quick, guttural, heaving sort of sobs that seem to come up from nowhere but, in actuality, are born from the deepest loves and fears I hold deep inside.

I rubbed my belly.

Morgan misunderstood; she asked why I was laughing.

"Mommy wasn't laughing."

She asked why I was crying. I was driving and couldn't think of what to say.

"I just can't tell you, Morgan."


Jenni S. said...

It's amazing the things that create tender spots in our hearts once we have been thru a specific ordeal. I'm pretty sure I would have been sobbing right along with you.

Short Stop said...

YOU are so very pregnant. I loved just typing that.

Jack asks me a lot..."why are you crying, Momma?" It really is hard when it's something I can't tell him. "Daddy's being a jerk."...oops...wait, did I really just type that??