Sunday, June 1, 2008

Ten Thoughts on Gestation

1. I had a hard time when my friends became pregnant and I could not. I'm giving my friends with fertility trouble the space they need. I hope they find comfort in their journey and that I don't become an irritant to them. More importantly, I hope God grants them their heart's desire.

2. Last week a contractor came to my house and immediately stared at my, er, beer gut. In a moment of pride and fear that he would think me "beer gutty" (why do I care?) I told him I was pregnant. It was awkward. And kind of funny. Like he cared.

3. This week, I think I'm having a boy. Just a guess. Two weeks ago, I would have said girl. Either gender is fine with me.

4. On a lighter note, Morgan said that my belly is getting fat.

5. I'm feeling better in the mornings but get kind of sick at night. What's with these weekly changes in sickness? At least the baby is growing, eh?

6. Holy dreams, Batman. Better than pizza before bedtime. Yikes!

7. I went to church today and it was awesome to be in the congregation again. Does pregnancy brain include "mind drifting"? I kept daydreaming.

8. I stalk people's blogs who have pics of cute babies. Bring on the pics!

9. I think that my total change in life (non-nutritious foods, unkempt house, lack of desire to do anything) will cause my single friends or childless friends to want to tie their tubes. I see the, er, fear in their eyes.

10. Dan will say that either gender is fine with him, too, but last week when Morgan and I were BOTH crying, he said he wouldn't mind some more testosterone in the family. hehe

1 comment:

Jenni S. said...

LOL at #10. Dave totally has that wish sometimes. I keep telling him he hasn't seen anything yet!