Monday, June 9, 2008

Celebrity Swoon

A long, long time ago, way before there was a Morgan in our life, Dan and I used to do things like, oh-I-don't-know... travel to see friends.

One fair weekend we went to visit our friends Jon and Katie in NY. I had never really been, so I was completely gaga wherever we went.

After church on Sunday, Katie took Dan and I to this fun bistro/breakfast place in Manhattan. We ate outside and I continued to gawk like the tourist that I was. At one point, I distinctly remember saying, "Everyone here is so hot. Everyone looks like a celebrity. That guy next to us inside the restaurant looks like Ethan Hawke."

Dan took a look. "That IS Ethan Hawke, Emily. And there is Uma, too." (This is before they broke up.)

I was completely star struck. Wow. The only celebrities I remember seeing until then were like, Bob Dole, who came to our church once. It was a LOT more cool to see an actual celebrity who was in the movies. No offense, Mr. Dole.

After breakfast, I went to the ladies room. The bathroom situation was grim in this little bistro: one potty for each gender. I was waiting for mine to open when I noticed that Ethan Hawke was standing next to me waiting for the other bathroom. I remember thinking, "Try to be cool. Don't ask for anything. Leave the guy alone. Pretend like he's an ordinary guy." I may have smiled some goofy grin at him.

The rest of the day I retold the story, which, if Dan is honest, became old after the 2nd time I told it, mostly because I didn't leave out ANY detail and told the story like a gushy-motor-mouthed-junior-high-girl-who-just-got-a-smile-from-a-cute-guy.

So there you have it. I met a celebrity. Kind of. Seven years ago.

Still swooning.


Jenni S. said...

LOL. What a great story. I've met/seen a few celebrities before, but no one I'd swoon over. That put a smile on my Monday morning face.

Sittintall said...

I'd still be swooning too! I for one, have never really seen a celeb up close.

Short Stop said...


You're totally famous now! :)